Stage 2 was completed on the 17th of November when I reached 3,600,358 words. That will grow a little as I add the few remaining pieces, but not drastically (and some are contributions from my sister), so it is now time to begin the editing process.
I'm too lazy to even post an esoteric picture this time because I just spent several hours editing 8,500 words of the 3,600,000 odd that I have to get through. So this is probably a bit pointless, but I'm pleased nonetheless. Which is not much good to you. Oh well. Stage 2 (initial editing) started yesterday.
The first stage began in December 2009. Estimated time of total completion: 2019-2022.
Recently Spotted:
travo (1m)
A million of those words is a walkthrough for the last stage, so I don't need any codes.
Manuscripts don't burn.
Emoliate then.
When your book goes stellar are you going to drive a DeLorean like the guy who wrote Ready Player One? That's how authors show they've made it these days.
At 5 cents a word I could drive three of them.
No, you didn't miss it first time around:
By the old numbers this is stage 3/3. Nothing has changed except that the description of the stages is more detailed.
My magnum opus (I hope; I wouldn't want to write anything longer than it, or anything anywhere near that length ever again lol). After almost four years I finished writing it this month, and thus the editing has subsequently begun.
I hope that answers both your and Vader's questions somewhat.