PlayStation 39.10
Overall 9.10
Infamous is a superhero open world action game by developer Sucker Punch of Sly Cooper fame. This game gives you a protagonist named Cole who gains the ability to control electricty and throughout the game learns many new powers as he explores a large fictional city. Sucker Punch basically creates it's own superhero tale from scratch and they excell at it, telling a very cool comic book style story with an exceptional ending.

The gameplay is not over the top like some superhero open world games, instead its more of a strategic shooter mixed with force powers and wall climbing abilities. Its an odd mix but it works. All of Cole's electricity powers are actually subsitutes for normal gun weapon types of most third person games. This may seem like it lessens the super power factor but it works, a well made shooter is usually fun and this gives you that core shooter gameplay with so much else on top of it. Cole's ability to climb practically everything makes navigating the city a breeze, you will climb the highest skyscrapers, jump onto a powercord and skate your way across to another rooftop where you can jump off and glide yourself down to the ground floor. They nailed the sense of freedom in your characters movement, I never grew tried of exploring the city, of looking for all the hidden shards.  You mix that kind of manuverablity with cool gunplay (well with electricty) and you got yourself combat that is fun as hell.

Open world games depend greatly on their missions and this game excells in giving the player a great variety of mission types. It does suffer from the repetitive side missions but not as some in the genre. I found the story missions to all be very well done, especially ones that require you to climb immense buildings in a sort of platforming segement, yes this game is part platformer as well.  I wish there were more enemy types though, it's amazing how fun the game is with so few, with a few more it could be really special. As you play you continously earn new powers always at the right moment when you need something refreshing to come along. It's paced beautifully.

The hook of the game is that you can choose to be a hero or a guy that doesn't give a crap and kills everyones. Sadly this is the aspect I found that had the most issues. The story never really changes much either way, you always do the same main missions if you are good or bad. There are some different lines of dialoge and a different cutscene or two but the game pretty much plays out the same way. There are 15 exclusive missions to each side but you will soon find they are similar missions just with a change in enemy types. Your powers change as well, if you are good you earn more focused powers, stuff that can do heavy damage but at a specific spot. The evil powers are more about causing chaos across a large area. The best power of the game I feel is on the good side, in fact I feel the good side fits more with the story of the game. I played it twice and honestly I expected more to be done with the whole two story paths, it's my biggest complaint with the title.

It looks gorgeous, has interesting music, great voice acting. It's very polished, clearly a lot of love went into making this game. In a summer of open world games I doubt any is as good as this title.
Posted by Dvader Mon, 06 Jul 2009 01:13:12
Mon, 06 Jul 2009 14:10:54


According to my scientific calculations the game is 7.22!

Mon, 06 Jul 2009 15:14:42

C'mon Iga, give the game it's due!

A 9.1 is just fine...

**of course I rate Prototype a 9.11 and Red Faction: Guerrilla a 9.12**


Mon, 06 Jul 2009 15:23:28

Sorry, no can't do. My science method is completely free of any bias and expectations. 

So let me calculate the Prototype and Red Faction scores!

*Grabs Calculator

Prototype = 6.26

Red Faction Guerilla = 3.27

Mon, 06 Jul 2009 15:33:46
*Grabs Crotch and gives Iga the Steel_Attack salute!*
Mon, 06 Jul 2009 18:53:26

LOL asses.

Mon, 06 Jul 2009 21:18:54

mmm... asses!

Mon, 06 Jul 2009 21:26:40


*grabs calculator


Any more request?

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